The Employers’ Association Spekter is one of Norway’s four large and prominent employers’ associations, that together with the four large central confederations on the part of the employees constitute the “social partners” in Norway. This implies that Spekter is directly responsible for the goals and results that are achieved in the national income policy. 

Spekter participates on boards and in committees, established within the tripartite cooperation and participates actively in the development of the legal framework surrounding Norwegian working life.

The foundation of power within the labour policy is related to the fact that Spekter represents, and can assume responsibility for the members’ interests in relation to the central confederations. Spekter’s position in the collective agreements, together with the trade unions represents the core of this responsibility. The collective wage agreement within the Spekter-area constitutes this foundation.

About Spekter:

  • Established in 1993
  • An independent organization owned by and managed through our members
  • The board consists of representatives from the member companies
  • Spekter’s supreme authority is the general assembly
  • Spekter represents a diversity of companies with approximately 250.000 employees
  • The member companies in Spekter are large, important companies of public interest, primarily within the health sector, culture and transport/infrastructure.



Telephone: (+47) 47 65 70 00


Postal adress:  Pb. 7052 Majorstuen, 0306 OSLO

Visit adress: Fridtjof Nansens vei 19, Oslo